Learn study skills that pack a mother of a punch

Starting 20th June 2022!


Here's what you'll learn

Practical, step by step instructions on

  • How you can study with kids AND stay sane.
  • How to drop the "guilt" & take time out for family
  • How to study effectively & hit your study goals
  • How to enjoy better study-work-life balance
  • How to set yourself up for success ....not stress.

After the course, you will know how to go toe-to-toe with exams and knock them out of your way.

Who is this for

This course is ideal for medical mums (trainees/students) or any mum who is trying to study and finding it hard.

If you are stressed and need better study-work-life balance this course is for you.

This course is suitable for anyone sitting exams for the first time or re-sitting exams for the umpteenth time.

Hi, I’m Dr Masi

As a medical doctor, mum and new consultant, I know from personal experience the stress of studying with kids. Aaargh! The constant guilt-struggle can lead to high levels of stress, unproductive studying and serious mood swings. Not to mention the unhealthy behaviours and tension in the family.

I was "up against the ropes". Then I changed my tactics and everything changed.

If you have been feeling stuck, overwhelmed or ready to give up - don’t! The rules have changed - so must your study strategy. Take action, invest in this course for the sake of your family and your sanity.

It’s TIME to prepare for exam success.